\b0 The incestuous son of Cinyras and \b \cf4 \ATXht11912 Smyrna\b0 \cf0 \ATXht0 , or Myrrha. His beauty led to a dispu
te between \b \cf4 \ATXht2 Aphrodite\ATXht1031 \b0 \cf0 and\b \cf4 \ATXht11617 Persephone\ATXht1031 \b0 \cf0 \ATXht0 and it was necessary for \b \cf4 \ATXht8 Zeus\b0 \cf0 \ATXht0 to make a judgment about which of the two goddesses he should spend his
time with. He greatly preferred the company of Aphrodite, whose lover he became. When he died during a hunt, the anemone flower sprang from his blood.\par